North Dakota Century Code Section 38-23-08 created the High-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Council, which advises the state Industrial Commission relating to the oversight of high-level radioactive waste storage and disposal.
The High-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Council represents a wide range of state agencies and subject matter experts who advise the Industrial Commission on issues of high-level radioactive waste. Among its duties, the council reviews site suitability and issues a report for a proposed high-level radioactive waste facility to the legislative assembly or Industrial Commission. It may consider any other matter related to high-level radioactive waste that council members deem appropriate and make recommendations to the Industrial Commission.
The council is comprised of 13 members, including the Department of Water Resources Director, the State Health Officer, the Department of Transportation Director, the Game and Fish Department Director, the Commerce Commissioner, and the Department of Environmental Quality Director, who serve as ex officio members. The council also consists of two senators, appointed by the Senate Majority Leader, and two representatives, appointed by the House Majority Leader, and three members appointed by the governor:
- A representative of county government
- A representative of city government
- A representative of the agricultural community
The State Geologist serves as the executive secretary for the council.
The council shall hold at least one meeting per year and any other meetings deemed necessary by the chairman or a majority of the council.
Upcoming Meeting
High-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Council Virtual Meeting
When: November 8, 2024
Where: Virtual Meeting via Teams
Meeting Minutes
View past High-Level Radioactive Waste
Advisory Council meetings.